AI Week

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of my 2019 novella about AI in the workplace,
"The Auditor and the Exorcist."

The problem with near-future SF…

… is that it’s not long before it’s no longer fiction!

My 2019 story The Auditor and the Exorcist included an IoT coffeemaker that was hijacked by a malicious hacker. It’s 2020, and here’s the hacked IoT coffeemaker:

Continue reading “The problem with near-future SF…”

FREE EBOOK – The Auditor and the Exorcist

I’m releasing my novelette The Auditor and the Exorcist as a free ebook, CC-licensed, for the enjoyment of anyone who needs entertainment while self-isolating or social distancing… bc who doesn’t? Please enjoy, share, and leave comments.

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2019 award eligibility post

The end of the year is a time to look back, to reflect on the new stories I’ve had published this year… and to note which of them are eligible for genre awards, in case anyone’s tempted to nominate one.

Here’s my list of award-eligible fiction for 2019. I note also that it’s my second year of eligibility for the Astounding award.

SFF Short Stories
🚀 “The Zest for Life,” – published in Future Science Fiction Digest, Issue 2, March 2019.
The plastic-pollution problem is solved by our appetites.
Kori and Nori Go Out For T. A. C. O.s – published in Young Explorers’ Adventure Guide Volume 6, December 2019.
Two adventurous child-droids go on a mission. Outrageous puns, post-apocalyptic adventure, and maybe even a TACO at the end.
SFF Novelette
🚀 “The Auditor and the Exorcist” – published in Working Futures, October 2019.
A story about the future of work in a near-future world with AI-mediated social credit.
Literary Flash Fiction
🚀 Salt, Spices, Fat, Honey – published in Flash Fiction Online, January 2019.
A brief meditation on hunger, need, and co-dependency.

New story out today! “The Auditor and the Exorcist”

The people behind the American tech industry blog TechDirt have put together an anthology of stories about the future of work called (appropriately) Working Futures, and I’m excited to have a story in it. Continue reading “New story out today! “The Auditor and the Exorcist””