(small squee) An anthology I have a story in, Nothing Without Us Too, won an Aurora award! https://file770.com/2023-aurora-awards-and-csffa-hall-of-fame-inductees/ Very happy for the wonderful editors, Cait and Talia. Anthologies are under “Related works” in the Auroras. This is Cait and Talia’s second year winning an Aurora for an anthology; the previous anthology in this series won an Aurora too.
Category: awards
NWU2 nominated for Aurora award
I’m so pleased that an anthology I have a story in (“Orange Rope for Sale”) was nominated for an Aurora award! Nothing Without Us Too, eds. Cait Gordon and Talia C. Johnson, is one of the nominees for Best Related Work (which is, apparently, where the anthologies go to get nominated). Super proud of Cait and Talia. Voting begins on June 17th and closes on July 29th. Fingers crossed!

Pushcart nomination
World Weaver Press has nominated “By the Light of the Stars” for this year’s Pushcart Prize!
Thank you to World Weaver Press for choosing this tale of Hawai’ian sea turtles, starlight and love as one of three nominees from their solarpunk antho Multispecies Cities.

“Cousin Entropy” nominated for Rosetta Award
My translation from the French of “Cousin Entropy” by Michèle Laframboise has been shortlisted for the 2021 short-form Rosetta Awards.
The Rosetta Awards are a new project, started in December 2020 by an international team of SFF writers and editors, “with the love of global SFF community and the anticipation of further communicating between different languages & cultures and of recognition of the great but underrated efforts of translators and those who endeavor to make the translation works come true.” https://sffrosettaawards.com/2020/12/26/birthday-of-sff-rosetta-awards/ What a great vision! I’m thrilled to be on their first shortlist. And still grateful to Alex Shvartsman and Michèle Laframboise for the opportunity to translate Michèle’s highly original, galaxy-spanning story.
The full shortlist is here: https://sffrosettaawards.com/2021/07/05/announcing-shortlist-of-science-fiction-and-fantasy-rosetta-awards-2021/
I’m thrilled that my unpublished picture book manuscript, How To Draw Everything Bunnies, WON the 2020 CANSCAIP Writing for Children contest in the PB category!
Happy to announce my picture book HOW TO DRAW EVERYTHING BUNNIES made it onto the 2020 CANSCAIP Writing for Children contest longlist!!! Congratulations to everyone on the longlist. https://www.canscaip.org/writingforchildren