It’s release day for this beautiful solarpunk anthology! SOLARPUNK CREATURES is going to be the last anthology from World Weaver Press. The opinionated loom-beast featured on the cover stars in my story, “Threadloom.”

N. R. M. Roshak’s blog
It’s release day for this beautiful solarpunk anthology! SOLARPUNK CREATURES is going to be the last anthology from World Weaver Press. The opinionated loom-beast featured on the cover stars in my story, “Threadloom.”
I’m so pleased that an anthology I have a story in (“Orange Rope for Sale”) was nominated for an Aurora award! Nothing Without Us Too, eds. Cait Gordon and Talia C. Johnson, is one of the nominees for Best Related Work (which is, apparently, where the anthologies go to get nominated). Super proud of Cait and Talia. Voting begins on June 17th and closes on July 29th. Fingers crossed!
I have a fun story in Nothing Without Us Too, out in September 2022 from Presses Renaissance Press.
The story, “Orange Rope For Sale,” is told entirely in Kijiji online sales platform posts and messages.
Dec 2022 update: R. Graeme Cameron reviewed Nothing Without Us Too in Amazing Stories. Graeme has an interesting and thoughtful take on my story as “a fantasy approach to the problem of extreme agoraphobia.” Not what I had in mind when I wrote it, but I can see where he’s coming from, especially given that I first drafted that story sometime in 2020 or 2021.
I have a story out today in World Weaver Press‘s new solarpunk anthology, Multispecies Cities.
N.R.M. Roshak’s “By the Light of the Stars” saturate[s] conservation crises in casual kindness.
Publishers Weekly
I have a story in the Young Explorers’ Adventure Guide, Volume 6, which is now available on Amazon. YEAG is a fantastic anthology series packed with fun SF for middle-grade explorers of the universe. Plus, I’m sharing a TOC with Nancy Kress! Woot!
My story, “Kori and Nori Go Out For T. A. C. O.s”, features two adventurous child-droids on a mission. I promise outrageous puns, post-apocalyptic adventure, and maybe even a TACO at the end.
If you have any elementary-aged science-fiction readers in your life, the Young Explorer’s Adventure Guide is stuffed with new worlds and new adventures written for kids. Or, as the Kickstarter put it, “24 more amazing science fiction stories for girls, boys and robots of all ages.”
The people behind the American tech industry blog TechDirt have put together an anthology of stories about the future of work called (appropriately) Working Futures, and I’m excited to have a story in it. Continue reading “New story out today! “The Auditor and the Exorcist””
I have a story coming out next week in a very interesting anthology, Working Futures: 14 speculative stories about the future of work.
There are a couple of really cool things about this anthology: (1) All the stories in it are CC licensed; and (2) it was created via an unusual process. Continue reading “New story out next week”