I have a flash story out in the latest issue of The Quiet Ones. Excerpt:

Read the rest in their latest issue, available for free download on wearethequietones.com .
N. R. M. Roshak’s blog
I have a flash story out in the latest issue of The Quiet Ones. Excerpt:
Read the rest in their latest issue, available for free download on wearethequietones.com .
My story “Captain Hero Is A Feminist” is in this month’s Pulp Literature. Flash fiction. Two-word summary: Capes x #MeToo.
Image to the left is a thumbnail of the terrific art for this story.
I have a story out today! If demonic-glowing-eyed-bug art doesn’t make you want to read it, nothing will. Flash fiction. (Paywalled–subscription gets you 30 stories for $15, IMHO a pretty good deal.) https://decodedpride.com/june-29-see-below/
I’m very excited to have a story appearing in Flash Fiction Online’s January 2019 food-themed issue.
The editor, Suzanne Vincent, on this month’s issue: “This month, we invite you to experience a gamut of emotions—grief, longing, frustration, humor, and one very disturbing peek into codependency–all revolving around our favorite subject—FOOD!” My story, Salt, Spices, Fat, Honey, is the “very disturbing peek.”
Update: Charles Payseur reviewed “Salt, Spices, Fat, Honey” in his review of the issue on his site, Quick Sip Reviews. Thank you for the thoughtful review, Charles!